With the rise of Covid-19, we have also seen a rise in use of QR codes. What are QR codes?

QR or Quick Response codes are a 2 dimensional barcode first designed for the Japanese auto industry in 1994. The three blocks in the corners are for error-correcting, so that if part of the code is covered over or not visible, it can still piece together the original code. They are popular now because unlike a regular barcode, you can just use a camera to scan them instead of a traditional laser barcode scanner. QR codes are now used across many industries, including product tracing, payments, website logins, restaurant ordering, joining a WiFi network and even QR codes on tombstones, where mourners can get a link to a digital tribute to the deceased!
Covid-19 has ushered in a new era of contactless activities, and restaurants have been the first major switchover from paper and plastic menus to QR codes. You simply scan the QR code on your mobile phone and the restaurant’s website and menu appears. We have helped restaurants switch to QR codes for menus, it is simple and inexpensive to do and saves on physical menu costs. You can even use a second QR code for weekly specials or to send customers to where they can order online.
WiFi Networks
If you have a guest WiFi network for visitors, you can further increase the security of this network and making it easier to connect to by using a QR code to connect guests to the network instead of using a posted password. All guests have to do is scan the QR code, then hit “connect” or “join” and they are in. No need to type passwords or risk connecting to the wrong network. We can help set up your WiFi networks this way.
47%: Fraction of US and UK consumers who said they’ve noticed QR code usage on the rise since the start of the pandemic
31,329: Maximum number of tiny squares you can cram into the largest QR code
>65%: Share of the Chinese population using QR codes for mobile payments in 2017
$143,000: A Chinese hacker stole this much by pasting malicious QR codes on top of real ones
55%: Share of the global population that doesn’t own a smartphone
Security Concerns
Like any other technology, QR codes are prone to certain types of security breaches. We typically do not use them for electronic payments in Canada, which is where most of the breaches occur. However, Paypal has begun testing certain types of QR codes for contactless payments in North America. We will be watching this to quantify the risks.
How to read QR codes
Most modern smartphones have cameras that can read a QR code directly. Try the main one, but in some cases you’ll have to use the front-facing camera instead. Smartphones older than a few years will require a third party QR code reader such as ZXing on Android or QR Code Reader on the iPhone App store.
Contact us today for a no-pressure free consult on how we can help you implement QR codes for your business.